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1) The first image you see is a bloody nose. When practicing my skills for the course outside of college, i wanted to explore my abilities. So I experimented by creating a look on my own face. It started with a simple cut along the vertical part of my nose, I then developed this into a deeper wound and added staples, finally smashing blood over my face to make it look like the wound had ripped open. I was very proud of this look and I surprisingly found when creating it, that it was fairly easy to do.

2) The second image you see was created in a workshop that I visited outside of college, this was a special effects makeup workshop by Kate Griffin's, she taught me a lot of different techniques, the most important for me being, to not be so precise with the blood. I have always found in the past that I am too neat regarding the application of blood. Therefore, when she taught me how to not be and how to follow the natural way the blood would fall, I was very appreciative. This has definitely enhanced my skills and I think that this look is by far my favourite that I have created. The 'shard of glass' is actually a piece of a broken CD case that I used to appear like blood.

3) This is a deep wound to the inside of the left arm, that has come apart and begun to bleed again. To create this look I used my normal products, Flour and Vaseline, which I use to create my ciniwax alternative. Then I use red food colouring to replace the blood, as at this point I didn't have any blood. Finally, I used staples to complete the look. I was happy with the outcome however, when looking back and reflecting I can see that I was too neat with the blood, and that in reality the blood wouldn't look like this.

4) This is an open wound to the little finger on my left hand. This was only the second look I ever created with Sfx make-up, I was very proud of the outcome at the time and still am now to a certain degree. Whilst I m happy with the overall look, I can see that are many areas in which I could improve on. The main one being the shape of the 'skin' As you can see by the picture, the bottom of the finger looks bulged and strange compared to the rest, Therefore, if I was to recreate this look I would blend this bottom area out more.

5) The Christmas ball ball emerging from a hand. As you can see I tried to put a gory twist of a ball ball. This wasn't one of my best looks by far. I am not entirely happy with how it looks. There is way too much fake blood across the entire hand and the lines in which the fake skin and ball ball meet is strange and too noticeable. Therefore I am not particularly happy with this look. 

6) The shaven hand look, I was very pleased with the outcome of this look, it captured the image in my head perfectly. I used the same materials as I have for all of my other looks but, to replace the bones I used cotton swabs minus the cotton on the ends. Then for what appears to be bloody flesh I used red coloured Vaseline. In terms of the technicalities in the look I know that there are some faults. For example after visiting the workshop that was earlier mentioned, I will be replacing my coloured Vaseline with Weetabix mixed with fake blood. This provided a more gritted flesh look that the coloured Vaseline cannot supply. Additionally, I should have dripped fake blood between the fingers so it didn't look so separated from the rest of the look. Overall this is also one of my favourite looks.

7) This was the very first Sfx look I have ever created. This is when I used different materials for the first time. It sparked my interest so I found some materials from the kitchen cupboards and did what I could. At the time I was overly happy with the outcome, However, now looking back I know I should have extended the cut so it didn't appear so round as well as other things. However for my first look I am happy.

8) The other bloody finger, this was another look I created in my outside of college workshop. I used essentially playdough rather than ciniwax, except in the mixture the amount of oil was doubled. I really liked using this as it was easy to mould and not too sticky. I used spirit gum to hold it down as this was another technique we was taught. I then added some of the grit (Weetabix and fake blood) Then some cut floristry wire to look like barbed wire. I was happy with this look as it allowed me to explore the use of the techniques I ad just learnt.

9) The broken finger nail, I loved creating this look, as you can see it isn't something I had tried before so I was delighted to give it a go. To create this look, I first had to 'conceal' my original nail. I used the ciniwax replacement to do so. when forming my new finger I used baby lotion to smooth it down this was another technique I had learnt and it makes it easier so it doesn't stick to you. I formed my new finger that had no nail then added some colourisation to this to make it look more human like. I then took my fake nail and made the indent as too where it would be, then added some more grit and fake blood and I was done. I really enjoyed doing this look and even fooled some people into thinking it was real!

All throughout lock down I have been trying to practice my skills, on example of this being sewing and embroidery. As you can can see from the images I practiced both on the machine and by hand. Whilst doing it by hand was difficult I have definitely refined those skills. I much preferred doing the sewing on the machine as it is quicker and neater. I also find it very therapeutic. You can also see in the other images I have been practicing my embroidery skills. The initials VB were my first attempt as you can tell this wasn't great. However after some extensive practice and 15 sets on initials later I completed LO'D. the comparison makes it easy to see that I have developed the skills. I also really enjoyed embroidery and again I found it very calming and therapeutic and will definitely do more of this in the future.

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